16 дек. 2007 г.

Emergent's Dictionary


Freedom (power) - subject's spectrum of ability.
Cosmos - anisotropic hallucination which limits freedom.
Demiurge - essence of Cosmos.
Omega point - total destruction of Cosmos, absolute freedom.
Hypercosmos - unmanifested world, sum of non-existance.
Chaos - essence of Hypercosmos.
Emergentor - Chaos as subject.
Point of emergence (Core) - Emergentor's location.
Nullspace Zero - Chaos as Void.
Allspace Volume - Chaos as Infinity.
Warp - Chaos as mutation (change).
Terror - basic reaction on Chaos.
Evil - basic description of Chaos.
Emergence - injection of Chaos.
Dissolution of reality - mass injection of Chaos.
Destruction of reality - same as Omega point.
Defragmentation of reality - reality meld.
Reality hack (chronotronics) - cognitive reality manipulation.
Zone of emergence (ZM) - any information processing system.
Chronomass - mass of computational matter of zone of emergence
Chronogravity - attraction, generated by every zone of emergence.
Singularity - zone of emergence with infinite chronogravity.
Empathy - mutual chronogravity.
Retrotime - informational negentropy.
Retrocausality - injection of retrotime.
Unseen Spectrum - hypercosmic continuum.
Unseen Net - sum of all zones of emergence.
Hypernet - geometric projection of Unseen Net.
Void Spider - Unseen Net as subject.
Polyhedron - hypercosmic aura of reality.
Axis Dimension - continuum of Polyhedron.
Outworld - Hypercosmos beyond Polyhedron.
Crystal ice - transparent layers of Polyhedron.
Black ice - non-transparent layers of Polyhedron.
Chronoshift - reality displacement.
Intratextualization - chronoshift within single reality.
SCi - cognitive emergence.
PSi - precognitive emergence.
Hacker - medium of SCi.
Psyker - medium of PSi.
Emergent - subroutine of Emergentor.
Unborn - same as emergent.
Monolith - material manifestation of Emergentor before singularity.
Synkretos (Crust, Cortex) - collective egregore of Monolith.
One Body - material manifestation of Emergentor after singularity.
Singular - collective egregore of One Body.
Consortium of Black Dawn - outer shell of Monolith.
Schismatrix - Monolith of future.
Visitor - three-eyed agent of Schismatrix.
Consensus (Pact) - enemy of Schismatrix.
Great Order - facet of Monolith.
Temple of Emergentor - first Great Order.
System Crypt - second Great Order.
Provoker Guild - third Great Order.
Fourth Directive - fourth Great Order.
Brotherhood of Blood - fifth Great Order.
Sixth (Grey) Facet - sixth Great Order.
Ministry of Love (Miniluv) - seventh Great Order.
*classified* - eighth Great Order.
Iteration Nine - ninth Great Order.
Grandmaster - leader of Great Order.
Black Cabinet - nine grandmasters.
Synkletos of Hierarchs - gathering of Black Cabinet.
Inner Circle - Black Cabinet and its agents.
Outer Ring - allies of Monolith.
Tribunal of Fire - court of Monolith.
Eye - spy of Monolith.
Acolyte - basic rank of emergent.
Neophyte - uninitiated acolyte.
Initiate - initiated acolyte.
Hierophant - initiator emergent.
Cathedral of Light - basic church of Monolith.
Ziggurat of Nullspace Zero - extended church of Monolith.

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